No dejes de visitar la sección Erasmus de este blog para mantenerte informado de las concocatorias abiertas para solicitar tu movilidad Erasmus y tener tu experiencia laboral en el extranjero.
This blog was created in 2016 by Isabel García de Diego, an English teacher. It was made to help my students learn English, using links to the best resources that I have found in the web. Thanks to those of you who have created these links for being generous enough to offer your work freely.
Here back again. A new academic year is about to start, and a new section for a new group has been created, GMN (English for Guide in the Nature and Leisure Time).
I am back, full of energy and I hope I can motivate you to learn English for fun. As always, my advice is that you find the method, the app, the resource that suits you best and go for it. Nowadays, there is no excuse to not to learn English.